Cuyahoga Valley Adventures

| Location |

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Cuyahoga Valley Adventures is located in the Merriman Valley!

We hope to have things up and running again soon! Please stay tuned for updates!

public cuyahoga river access points can be found at

Follow Us @CuyahogaValleyAdventures

We hope to have things up and running again soon! Please stay tuned for updates!


Our Location Information

Our Location: Cuyahoga Valley Adventures 1570 Akron Peninsula Rd., Akron, OH 44313 

*Please see map below on how to get back to our location! You will see a CVA signs with arrows to follow back to our drive with our office in sight by the river!

CVA Map-1.png

1570 Akron Peninsula Rd., Akron, OH 44313

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Please park in the grass field like in this photo. Once you are parked head on over to our office to meet our staff!


Please check in at our office building with CVA Staff!  

public cuyahoga river access points can be found at